This week I'm quite bored. Only my parents and me at home. Angah xblk coz this sunday she went to Terengganu. Boy also did not come back home. Maybe he bz with his study. Almaklumlah dh thn akhir. Nuar plak pegi KL, keje.. Along lg la xblk. She now has her own family. So its quite bz to see her. Just only me with ibu n ayah. By the way, I can concentrate with my study this weekend. This monday I have paper. If there is too many people at home I can't study well.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Journey to Malacca...
Today I'm going back to Malacca coz today I have an OB test. I did not prepare too much, I just read for the important point only. I'm going to sleep at 1 am but I still cannot sleep. I think I feel asleep around 4.30-5.00 am and 6 o'clock I dah bangun. Around 7 my frenz, Kyra came took me and we arrive at KBM around 8.30.
Starting from today, Jalan Seremban-Rembau-Melaka will be our main road because we will ulang alik for the fin

al. Tired??? Of course I am!.. and Kyra too... She must more tired than me because she was the driver, I just sit besides her and become a loyal listener to her when she start mumbling,..
"Kenapalah nk potong tak nak bagi signal?"
"Makan angin ke orang depan nie?"
"Taulah lampu kereta awak tu besar!"
... bla... bla... bla.. Sorry ea Kyra, jangan marah... Pepun, thanks for your kindness and I feel safe in your car because actually you are a good driver.... Thanks again..
As I what I expect, our lec give us a direct quest and 1 case study but I'm too dissapointed because I still confuse at some part of quest. But never mindlah, my 1st test I got a good marks, thanks madam. At first, I thought madam want to replace class but at the end she asked us to read the topic which did not finished cover yet. Alhamdulillah.....
Then, we go to see our carrymark. Only QMT, OB and research I still not know my marks. Cakap pasal research, our research proposal still not finish about 15%. Peninglah nak wat research ni! So worried, due date dah nak dekat nasib baik takde presentation. Wait and see jelah...
Around 12 Kyra and me went to Morten, our ex-rent house.. Huhu.. Boy sampai dalam kul 12.30 but he went to mosque for the Friday prayer. All my things I have packed and just wait for boy. Kyra ?? After she finished packing, she going back to Seremban... She invite me to tumpang but no need la because barang banyak sangat. Ikutkan hati, memang nak blah je lepas dah abis packing, (because only both of us know what was happened) but waktu semayang jumaat still not finished so kenalah tunggu boy. Ingatkan xpayah nak balik semula dah kat morten lagi rupanya bila dah sampai rumah, I forgot something. My meja!!! Without my desk, I cannot concentrate to study.. Iyelah tu.. Ish.. ish.. ish... camne leh terlupa ni? Nampaknya I must go back again to our 'beloved' home.
Monday, April 6, 2009
I Want to Go Home!
Oh my God!.. This week is a hard week for me. I have a lot of things to do. Tomorrow my lec want to see our research proposal but we are not finish our research yet. On Wednesday, I have 2 test and Thursday got 1 tests. Tak sabar nak abiskan minggu ni. Actually, tak sabar nak balik sebenarnya. I want to go back home and sleep as long as I like. Huhu......
Thanks God my presentation for BEL is already done. Poor to my classmate yang still belum present lagi. Hopefully they can do their best with the good marks. Want to see my presentation?... Hehe.... Here it is!
I'm so nervous...
My turn...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
New Men in My Live
Yesterday I have been met with Mejar Dr. Faiz Khaleed. He's so cute and really a nice guys I guess. Nurul Syuhada is very lucky to have him. Hopefully they will be married soon. Hehe..
Actually I like the way he carry himself. The things I remember what are he said is, we should try a new things to make ourself become challenges. So, I think what are he said is true and I realize everybody have their own speciality and we as a human must use our strength to become as a good one. Salute him-->>>

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